If you want to make a contribution to these docs, fork the project on any of the three places it is available (GitHub, BitBucket or Gitorious).

  • Please ensure that what you are contributing is now already protected under copyright by your employer and that you have full legal ability to contribute the code.

  • Please provide an explanation of situations where the code is useful and tag your post with relevant words (to make it easily searchable).

  • All source code longer than 25 lines (unless it is incomplete) should be in a separate file and should be included in the text using the .. literalinclude:: Sphinx directive. The file should reside in the source/ directory. For example:

    # file.py
    import requests
    # do magic with requests
    r = requests.get('http://httpbin.org/redirect/5',
    # etc
    Here is my awesome ``file.py`` which does ...
    .. literalinclude:: source/file.py
        :language: python
  • All complete code files should pass flake8.

  • All links should have the URL at the bottom of the document to make reading the plain reStructuredText easier on future editors. Think of links as footnotes.

  • Add yourself to AUTHORS.rst if you’re contributing your own recipe.

  • Add yourself to EDITORS.rst if you’re contributing edits to other people’s recipes.

  • The recipes are not strictly restricted to python, but should be related to python.